
Moldovans who are in Russia urged to insure themselves medically


The head of the Congress of the Moldovan Diaspora in Russia Alexandr Kalinin called on the Moldovans who live, work or just travel to Russia to legalize their activities and to insure themselves medically, IPN reports.

Alexandr Kalinin told a news conference that an increasing number of Russian citizens are dissatisfied with the fact that the migrants working in their country do not go to the doctor when they are sick and become thus carriers of different diseases. The country’s administration plans to toughen up the legislation so that the migrants who are not medically insured are prevented from becoming employed in Russia.

The health policy for three months costs US$10, while for a year – US$170. With the policy for three months, the migrants cannot work as it is intended for tourists or those who go to visit their relatives. The policy includes the costs of repatriation of persons who died in Russia. According to unofficial data, more than 100 Moldovans died in Russia last year alone.

The Congress of the Moldovan Diaspora is holding talks for the health policies to include services for the Moldovan women fwho give birth in Russia. There are also prepared health polices for children as migrants’ children cannot study in Russian schools if they aren’t medically insured.

Alexandr Kalinin urged the Moldovan to legalize their activities in Russia as a special computerized program is being implemented, by which the illegal migrants can be banned from entering the country without them knowing this.

The foreigners can stay in Russia to work for at most three months. If they want to work longer, they must obtain a work permit that is granted for a year and costs almost US$800. They can also buy a patent for 12 months, based on which whey pay a monthly tax to the Russia state.