
Moldovans residing in Italy, Spain, and Portugal migrating to France


Lately, more and more Moldovans migrate to France, and they come not only from Moldova, but from Italy, Spain, and Portugal as well. They are attracted by the fact that France state was less affected by the EU economic crisis, stated Nicolae Dragomir, coordinator of the Moldovan Diaspora in France Council. “Nevertheless, those who have been living in France longer say that things have changed; it is harder to find a job, harder to integrate. We don't any official data on the number of Moldovans in France, since only 10% to 20% of them work legally. We estimate that there are between 30,000 and 50,000 Moldovans, yet more and more are coming”, said Nicolae Dragomir, who also is the deputy chair of the Stefan cel Mare Church Council in Paris. Nicolae Dragomir communicated that the Moldovan diaspora in France organizes different projects, and tries to promote the Moldovan culture. This year they celebrated the Martisor, and organized a feast in the centre of Paris on Independence Day. “We have our culture and customs; we share them with the Europeans, and preserve them for our children”, mentioned Nicolae Dragomir. The Diaspora Coordinating Council says that any person who comes from Moldova receives as much help as possible from co-nationals. “We can help them find a home, but it is harder to help them find a job. France is different from other countries; it does not issue work permits for all Europeans. The state gives permits to those who comes from Africa easier than to those who come from Eastern Europe. You need an accredited diploma, yet our diplomas are not accredited by the French”, specified Nicolae Dragomir. The Stefan cel Mare Church, founded 5 years ago, is a prayer site, as well as a cultural centre. Here, people get aids from Moldovan associations. Beside the church, there is one children's and one folk ensemble, a Sunday school for children, where they learn Romanian, and a school of French open to everyone. Additionally, a women's association was established. Currently the church rents the space needed, but future plans include by an own prayer site.