
Moldovans name problems that should be dealt with first


Strengthening of public order and the fight against corruption are among the problems that the Moldovans consider should be solved the first, shows the most recent Public Opinion Barometer (for November), IPN reports.

Asked which are there most important problems that must be solved in Moldova, 32% of those polled said the strengthening of public order, while 19% said corruption fighting. Another 16% consider the living standards should be first improved, while 15% said the development of the economy is the major problem.

The next problem, by importance is the ensuring of peace and understanding between people, followed by the improvement of the situation in education, science and culture, ensuring of the spiritual development of people, restoring of the country’s territorial integrity and resolution of the Transnistrian conflict.

Among the priorities the people also mentioned the ensuring of independent justice and development of cooperation relations with the international organizations.