Moldovans live 69 years on average
The average length of life in Moldova in 2010 was 69.1 years. It is slightly lower compared with the previous years. The birth rate during the last few years has decreased, while the general death rate has increased, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting the National Bureau of Statistics.
The living standards and environment are aspects that influence the age of the population. Women live longer than men. The average age of women is 73.4 years. The difference of 8 years is due to the high number of premature deaths among men.
The men in urban areas live longer than those in rural areas by 4.4 years, while the women by 4.5 years. The low life expectancy of the people in villages influences their length of life.
After 1995, 2008 was the year when the average length of life was the longest – 69.4 years.