
Moldovans in 2021 had an average salary of about 9,200 lei, expert


The Moldovans in 2021 had an average gross salary of about 9,200 lei, an increase of 15.8% or 1,300 lei compared with 2020. But the country in 2021 witnessed the highest inflation rate in the last 18 years. This way, even if the salaries increased, the Moldovans could not feel the positive effects, said Veaceslav Ioniță, economic policy expert of the Institute for Development and Social Initiatives “Viitorul”.

Some 10% of the salary earners or 60,000 Moldovans in 2021 had an average monthly salary of 25,000 lei, up 4,000 lei on 2020.  Also, another 10% of the salary earners or 60,000 Moldovans had an average monthly salary of 2,890 lei (+270 lei), being the worst paid.

“The ratio was practically kept during the last ten years. The poor people get a pay that is 8-9 times lower than the pays of the rich ones,” said the expert, being quoted by IPN.

Comparing the salaries of Moldovans on the left side and on the right side of the Nistru, Veaceslav Ioniță said the salary of those from the left side in 2010-2015 was even higher than that of those from the right side. On the right side, it was of slightly over 4,000 lei, while on the right side of 6,400 lei. The depreciation of currency on the left side of the Nisru, the decline in exports, the nominal decline in salary followed and, in 2018, the real salary of the Moldovans on the left side of the Nistru decreased to 4,400 lei at a time when it grew on the right side.

“We anticipate that the average official salary on the right side of the Nistru in 2021 will be 9,200 lei, while on the left side will be 6,100 lei. The salary was calculated in Moldovan lei, taking the currency exchange rate into account. The parity of the purchasing power of a leu on the left side of the Nistru is yet higher. There, the prices of gas, electricity and some of the products are lower than in the rest of the Republic of Moldova. In the Transnistrian region, one can purchase by 20% more on average,” said the expert.

The basic incomes of the Moldovans consist not only of salaries. Some perform agricultural activities that generate incomes, while others get remittances. There were also unofficial incomes. In the Republic of Moldova, the number of working persons is of 1.1 million, while of salary earners – 600,000 full-time jobs and 100,000 part-time jobs. There are also 400,000 people working not in the formal sector. “Therefore, the population’s incomes are higher than their earnings,” noted Veaceslav Ioniță.