
Moldovan Wines Might Make Way towards China


Exporting wine-related goods to the Chinese market could become an important direction of the Moldovan-Chinese commercial-economic cooperation, Wu Bangguo, the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly of the People’s Representatives of China, stated at the meeting with President Vladimir Voronin. According to the presidential press service’s report, Wu Bangguo regretted the fact that the Moldovan wines, at the moment, are little known by Chinese consumers, pleading for organizing certain promotional actions in this sense. The Moldovan Wine Festival, organized on 25-27 November in Beijing, will be an opportunity for promoting Moldovan wines and spirits on the Chinese markets. President Voronin welcomed the interest of the Chinese officials in supporting the expanding intentions of Moldovan wines on the markets of China, informing that Agro-Industrial Agency „Moldova Vin” intends to open its representation in China. The parts underlined the meaning of intensifying the cooperation in other fields as well, such as telecommunications, highlighting recent conclusion of new cooperation agreements between the company „Moldtelecom” and Chinese companies "Huawei Technologies" and ZTE. Speaker Marian Lupu at the meeting with Chinese official showed his thankfulness for the financial assistance provided for Moldova in the paste years. He saluted as well the conclusion of the Agreement on Financial Assistance between both countries, providing to RM significant assistance, of about 10 million Yuan, i.e. 800 thousand dollars, as well as the donation of technical equipment worth about 40,000 dollars provided to legislative of Chisinau. Lupu also noted the establishment of the constructive cooperation in informational technologies field, especially in telecommunication matters. The speaker hopes that RM and RPC will examine the prospects of implementing a joint project in order to create a free economic zone according to the Chinese model and participation of Chinese capital and investments. Lupu emphasized the fact that this project could be mutually advantageous for the both states. Wu Bangguo expressed RPC support towards RM European integration endeavors. In the context of Transnistrian conflict, the Chinese official noted the will and efforts of our country to resolve it by peaceful means. At the same time, the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly of the People’s Representatives of China thanked Moldovan authorities for supporting the sovereignty and territorial integration of RPC, and for our country’s position regarding Taiwan issue. An official Chinese delegation, led by Wu Bangguo, paid a visit to Moldova at the end of the last week.