
Moldovan reforms are inefficient and follow same scenario, analyst


Reforms in Moldova are mostly formal are inefficient in the lower levels of institutions and among ordinary people, according to security expert Iurie Pantea, Info-Prim Neo reports. The expert told a a security training workshop that since 2003 Moldovan reforms had followed the same scenario: pressure from the central authorities that a reform must be implemented, the relevant ministry proposes some amendments, wage raises and a new internal regulation, the project is approved by the government, except for the wage raises. “It’s almost impossible to implement a project that aims to modify an institutional policy when everyone wants stability. To reform a ministry would mean to unbalance all its subordinated structure, which is impossible because of our nepotism”, said Iurie Pantea. The expert explained that reforms shouldn’t be developed by the institutions that would implement them in their own structure, but by a specialized body that would include experts from the targeted institutions. “It would be good to create a body directly subordinated to the Parliament, which would include the best experts in the country, who would develop new policies, as they have a broader vision and treat problems from a multitude of angles. Impartiality and the lack of interests would make the reform more efficient”, he added. Another welcomed change would be to increase the responsibility of parliamentary commissions, which are the bodies that control the implementation of reforms. According to Pantea, they must analyze draft law more thoroughly before submitting them to vote in the Parliament. Iuria Pantea concluded that political will was key to any reformatory action.