
Moldovan prime minister to visit Berlin in connection with refugee crisis


Moldovan Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița will attend the European Donors’ Forum dedicated to Ukrainian refugees, which will take place in Berlin on April 5.

Prior to the forum, the Moldovan prime minister will speak at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation about the efforts of the Moldovan authorities and society to manage the crisis situation. The event will start at 20:30 (Chisinau time) and will be broadcast live on the organization’s website www.kas.de.

Moldova’s response to the exodus of refugees from Ukraine has won praise around the world. With only 2.6 million population, the Republic of Moldova received hundreds of thousands of refugees in a very short period of time, the largest number per capita in Europe. In circumstances of force majeure, the authorities managed to manage the transportation, accommodation, food and, in general, the supply of all the people who escaped the scourge of war. Both the accounts of the refugees and the assessments given by the specialized international organizations show that Moldovans have managed the ongoing challenge well.

The international donor conference for Moldova in Berlin is organized by Romania, Germany and France, with the support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.