
Moldovan opposition is inactive, opinions


The opposition in the Republic of Moldova became inactive after the presidential elections and for now does not have a well-defined goal, invitees said in the talk show “Politics” on TV7 channel, IPN reports.

Ex-MP Stela Jantuan considers the opposition got into a trap after Igor Dodon won the presidential elections. “This opposition is neither seen nor heard. I saw none of the parties of the so-called opposition having a concrete program for overcoming the created situation. They all repeat one and the same as to how hard it is for the people to survive and how bad the government is. But nobody suggests something definite. By its behavior, this opposition put Igor Dodon in the presidential office with its own hands,” she stated.

Journalist Vladimir Soloviov considers the Moldovan opposition is now in a trap. “The opposition found itself in a difficult situation following the presidential elections. It’s not clear what the goal of this opposition is,” he said.

Director of the Institute of Diplomatic, Political and Security Studies Valeriu Ostalep believes few of the inhabitants of Chisinau are now interested in politics. As regards the people living outside the capital city, these prefer to leave the country and do not care about Moldovan politics.