
Moldovan migrants return with a new way of thinking, Olga Coptu


Moldovan migrants who return home, bring with them a new way of thinking, a new approach and propose concrete projects. Many involve themselves at a local level and the trend is gaining momentum in 2017. Olga Coptu, head of the Bureau for Diaspora Relations, said during an interview for IPN, that there are projects implemented by the diaspora throughout the whole country, especially in villages, because Moldovans are spiritually attached to their places of origin and want to contribute to their development. Most such projects are in the field of tourism, culture and education.

Coptu recalled that ten years ago one of the main problems was that of abandoned children. However, because of the massive migration, the Moldovan diaspora is currently at the stage of settling and putting down roots in the countries of destination. According to her, migration has had both bad and good effects. Among the negative ones, we have the depopulation of Moldova, the aging of the population pr the drain of the labor force, which is contributing to pension funds abroad, while Moldova has a huge budget deficit in this field.

“If we think about the benefits, of course it’s a pity that many people are leaving from Moldova, but the diaspora’s contribution is not limited to remittances, which are not the key element. We can see the migrants’ contribution in the daily life, in changes of attitude, in the life experience and democracy habits they acquired in their countries of destination. They return with a different way of thinking, a new approach, they come with concrete proposals and projects. There are many Moldovan migrants who come back home and contribute to their local communities by illuminating a street or repairing a sports hall and so on”, said Olga Coptu.

Asked about the most important achievements and expectations in the field of diaspora policies, Olga Coptu said that at the next government meeting, there are two draft decisions submitted by the BRD. “We want to multiply these focus points and have people in charge of diaspora issues on a local level as well. Local authorities can gain a lot from creating such bridges to the diaspora. The second proposal concerns the reintegration of Moldovans who return between 2017 and 2020. It mostly deals with orientation programs and stimulating investments”, she explained.