
Moldovan educators and teaches pay fact-finding visit to Suceava


A number of 45 young educators and teachers of different school subjects from Chisinau municipality, directed by representatives of the General Division of Education, Youth and Sport, paid a fact-finding visit to Suceava with the aim of facilitating the integration of young educators and teachers into the education system. The sides agreed a common plan of action for launching and implementing education projects in different areas of interest, signing a protocol of cooperation for the next three years in this regard, IPN reports.

In a press release, the General Division of Education, Youth and Sport of Chisinau said the municipality faces the problem of migration of young staff abroad. Many of these are teachers, young specialists who graduated from teacher training education institutions. To motivate the young people to remain in the system, the Division annually launches different projects, including the one within which the visit to Suceava was paid.

To familiarize itself with the education system and process in the Romanian county, the delegation from Chisinau had an official meeting with representatives of the Suceava County School Inspectorate. The Moldovan educators and teachers exchanged experience with the guild mates on the professional integration of teachers during the first years of activity. The delegation attended educational/school activities to see an alternative to the teaching system and approach to the education curriculum of Moldova.

The young specialists visited the Suceava Inclusive Education School Center where they discovered halls outfitted with all the types of equipment and teaching aids needed to teach children with special needs. At the Stefan cel Mare University in Suceava, the educators and teachers from Chisinau visited a book fair with exhibitions and guided presentations and met with Bessarabians who make Moldova famous by their results in learning.

Aiming to improve the education process and promote teachers and students and to launch and implement education projects, the General Division of Education, Youth and Sport signed cooperation agreements with a number of Romanian education partners, such as the School Counties of Iasi, Dambovita, Cluj-Napoca, Botosani and others. The Division is also a partner of different projects implemented in concert with a number of Romanian Centers and Divisions.