
Moldovan and Romanian armies will be able to participate in joint multinational missions


The national army of Moldova and that of Romania will be able to train for and participate jointly in missions under the auspices of international organizations, such as the European Union. This has been made possible by an amendment protocol to the 2012 Military Cooperation Agreement between Moldova and Romania, signed today in Bucharest.

The Moldovan Minister of Defense, Anatolie Nosatîi, paid an official visit to Bucharest, on the invitation of his Romanian counterpart Angel Tîlvăr. The two officials had a bilateral meeting, during which they discussed the security situation in the Black Sea region and the ways in which Romania could support Moldova to improve its resilience to the current challenges.

According to the Moldovan Ministry of Defense, the protocol signed today provides for mutual support in the field of training and joint participation in missions and operations under the auspices of international organizations, such as the European Union.

At the same time, the dialogue between the two ministers focused on bilateral cooperation in the field of defense and the prospects for strengthening the partnership. The Moldovan official also highlighted the support, within international organizations and events, of efforts to strengthen our country’s defense capabilities through the European Union’s European Instrument for Peace and the increased assistance package within the Defense Capabilities Consolidation Initiative (Tailored ‘Support Package — Enhanced DCBI).

Also today in Bucharest, Minister Nosatîi participated in the 8th edition of the Black Sea and Balkans Security Forum, where he spoke about the hybrid threats facing Moldova in the context of Russia’s war in Ukraine, and about efforts to strengthen defense capabilities and increase national resilience.