
Moldova will not unite with Romania even after European integration – President


Unification of the Republic of Moldova and Romania will not happen even after it will join the European Union, and the architects of these scenarios, both from Tiraspol and Bucharest must forsake such ideas, declared President Vladmir Voronin at a press conference that took place on July 11. Voronin said that he is against this idea, as well as to any other kind of unification or creation of a confederation etc, not even for fastening European Integration or for other aims. “I was elected as President of the Republic of Moldova and I will respect the Constitution”, Voronin said, saying at the same time that “unionists must be punished”. At the same conference, Vornin declared that in 1918, Romania conquered the territory that today is called the Republic of Moldova, and on June 28, 1940 it was freed from the Romanian occupation. Reffering to the recent declarations of the Romanian president, Traian Basescu, according to whom Romania offered Moldova the chance to join EU together, Voronin said that he did not understand the context of these declarations and that his Romanian counterpart did not presented any official proposal on this respect. “President Basescu is a human being and has the right to make mistakes”, Voronin declared. Referring to the Romanian settling plan of the Transnistrian conflict, about which Bucharest announced 2 moths ago, said that this plan as well was not presented to Chisinau. In this context, the head of the state said that there are “sufficient proposals and plans” on this issue. Voronin considers that the biggest contribution Romania could make on settling the Transnistrian dispute would be signing the Political Agreement and the Border Agreement with Moldova. At the same time, the president declared that he is pleased with the present state of Moldovan-Romanian relationship, reminding about his friendly relationship with the president of Romania, Traian Basescu.