
Moldova to produce food supplement for preventing pre-cancer


The preparation “Mereon”, proposed by Moldovan researchers of the Oncological Institute and awarded in the sixth gala “Top Innovations”, will be administered in the form of a food supplement, without medical prescription, so as to prevent pre-cancer.

Doctor Habilitate in Medicine, academician Ion Mereuta, in a discussion with IPN’s reporter, said about 10,000 new cases of cancer are recorded in Moldova annually, but there are also thousands of people in a pre-cancer state. “Cancer develops amid a set of particular conditions, called pre-cancer. As we found etiologically the cause of alteration of the epithelial mucosal cells, we added to this preparation a number of substances that contain silver and zinc, which help normalize these. When the concentration of zinc in the body is normal, the epithelial cells grow normally. The absence of these substances in the body leads to micro-ulcers that can develop into pre-cancer,” explained the doctor.

Ion Mereuta noted that the preparation was tested as a food supplement and does not pose a threat to health. “At the beginning of next year, we will sign a contract with a medicine factory for making this preparation. It will later appear on the drugs market of Moldova,” he stated.

This year’s contest involved 43 innovations, divided according to four strategic directions: health and biomedicine; biotechnology; energy efficiency and use of renewable sources of energy; innovative materials, technologies and products.

President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova Gheorghe Duca said the contest aims to promote and stimulate scientific and innovative activity in the country, to identity the most original and valuable innovations and to inform the public about the country’s innovational potential. The annual contribution of science to the GDP comes to at least 100 million lei.