
Moldova to host NATO exercises


In the period from July 28 to August 10, Moldova will host the “MEDCEUR - 2007” international training exercise. The Parliament ratified Friday, July 6, the Memorandum of Understanding between Moldova and the U.S. European Command for the execution of the exercise. Under the Memorandum, Moldova will provide support within its fullest capacity, subject to availability and within the practical limitations of the circumstances, to the forces deployed for the exercise. Equipment, supplies, products, and materials temporarily imported into Moldova are exempt from all duties, taxes and fees. The U.S. European Command will cover all the expenses of the host country in connection with the exercise. The ratification of the Memorandum was endorsed by a reduced number of communist MPs, with one of them voting against. Earlier, some opposition parties criticised harshly the arrangements for the MEDCEUR in Moldova. MEDCEUR (Medical Central and Eastern European) is a multinational medical exercise focused on enhancing theatre medical deployment capabilities, improving combined and joint medical interoperability, etc.