
Moldova State University invites applications for admission


Applicants for higher education are expected until July 31 at the Admissions Committee of the Moldova State University (USM) to submit their applications, which can also be done online at eadmitere.usm.md. This year, USM has 1,700 subsidized places available.

Igor Bercu, secretary of the USM Admissions Committee, said that during the first hours of admission, more than 350 applications were received, which he reckoned is “a pretty good number”. During last year’s admission, on the first day, more than 600 bachelor’s applications and more than 100 master’s applications were received. Like in the previous years, the most popular specialties are economic sciences, law, information technologies, modern languages, and international relations. This list also includes new specialties such as Multimedia Production and Web Design. Meanwhile, demand for educational sciences remains low.

Bercu said that tuition fees have been increased at USM in a trend seen in other universities as well. The highest annual fees are at the Faculty of Law - 14,000 lei, and game design and multimedia production - 13,500 lei. The smallest fees are for the specialties of anthropology, philosophy - 7500 lei, followed by other specialties like geography or chemistry - 7800 lei. The buildings of the university are being prepared for the new academic year, a lot is being invested in renovation and in technology, added Igor Bercu.
A graduate of the Pan Halippa Lyceum from Edineț, Valeria Rența, came to apply for the Faculty of Letters. The young woman is passionate about foreign languages, speaks Spanish and wants to become a translator. Valeria says she expects the educational process to be interactive. After graduating, she plans to go abroad.

Ana Kirkova has applied to the Faculty of International Relations, Political and Administrative Sciences. Since the 9th grade, she has been interested in world affairs. She believes that every citizen must know what is happening not only regionally, but also internationally. The young lady wants to be enrolled in a group with teaching in English to improve her language skills.

Valeria Calugher, graduate of Mihail Kotsubinski Lyceum, chose her future specialty together with her parents. The young woman submitted the documents to the Marketing and Logistics specialty, because she considers it very promising. She thought that the most complicated stage for a school graduate is adapting to the university environment. That is why, first of all, she wants to get to know her peers and the teachers.

The State University has a contingent of over 10,800 students in over a hundred bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programs at 11 faculties and 6 doctoral schools. Training at USM is conducted in four languages: Romanian, Russian, French and English.