
Moldova signs agreement to join EU Civil Protection Mechanism


The European Union and Moldova signed the Agreement for Moldova to become a Participating State in the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. Once the Agreement is ratified by Moldova, its provisional application will start and will last until the full entry into force on January 1, 2024, IPN reports.

Minister of Internal Affairs Adrian Efros said the Republic of Moldova will be better protected from disasters. This mechanism is very important and was launched 15 years ago, when the EU for the first time offered assistance to Moldova during the floods of 2008. Since then, the assistance has been consistent and continuous. The EU stood by Moldova during the floods of 2010, the COVID-19 crisis, the gas and electricity supply crises.

From today, Moldova will be one step closer to the EU. If need be, the EU rescuers and firefighters will lend a hand to Moldova. Owing to this European mechanism, Moldovan hospitals will no longer be vulnerable from energy viewpoint as these have generators to ensure surgeries continue in case of power outages, noted Adrian Efros.

Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič said that today is an important day for Moldova and the EU as everyone stands to gain from the signing of this Agreement. Now Moldova will be a fully-fledged member of this mechanism and the EU Civil Protection Mechanism will become stronger owing to Moldova’s contribution.

The EU Civil Protection Mechanism is based on cooperation and solidarity, meaning that when a disaster strikes, other states can offer assistance. Moldova has benefitted from the EU Civil Protection Mechanism to cope with large-scale displacement triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Earlier this year, the EU has also deployed 36 power generators to 30 hospitals across Moldova from its rescEU energy reserve. Additionally, the EU has also supported Moldova with €48 million in humanitarian aid since the start of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.

As a full member of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, Moldova will not only be able to receive immediate support, but can also send assistance to countries struck by a disaster through the Mechanism, leading to a stronger and better coordinated crisis response in Europe and in the rest of the world.

The EU Civil Protection Mechanism aims to strengthen cooperation between the EU countries and 10 Participating States (Iceland, Norway, Serbia, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Türkiye, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Ukraine and most recently Moldova) on civil protection to improve prevention, preparedness, and response to disasters.

To inform the population about the Agreement for Moldova to become a Participating State in the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, the Ministry of Internal Affairs prepared a number of advertisements.