
Moldova should decide to what extent it wants to be involved in CIS, Deputy PM Valeriu Lazar


After Russia presented its new conception of integration into the Commonwealth of Independent States, Moldova should consider to what extent it wants to take part in this process, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Valeriu Lazar said, quoted by Info-Prim Neo. He made the statements after the last meeting of the CIS Economic Council that was held in Moscow. Valeriu Lazar said Russia's approach is very flexible. Every country has the right to decide what it wants to get involved in: Multilateral Free Economic Zone or Customs Union. The creation of the Currency Union is the ultimate phase of this process. The Deputy Prime Minister said the emphasis now is laid not on the creation of additional national institutions, but on the integration according to mutual economic interests. Valeriu Lazar denied the assertions that Russia could exert pressure on Moldova so that it becomes involved in the CIS to a greater extent, with the price of gas being one of the instruments it can use. “The gas next year will be supplied to Moldova at market prices. I do not see how Russia can pressure Moldova if the bilateral relations are based on market economy rules and mutual advantages,” her said. The minister also said that the First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Igor Shuvalov, who is responsible for cooperation inside the CIS, will visit Chisinau as part of a tour to the CIS member states and will inform the Moldovan authorities about the new integration conception and Russia's view on this. The visit was scheduled for end-March.