
Moldova remains main beneficiary of Romania’s development assistance


The Government of Romania approved the multiannual strategic program on international development cooperation and humanitarian assistance for 2020-2023. The Republic of Moldova remains the main beneficiary of the official development assistance (ODA) provided by Romania, IPN reports.

Romania’s Embassy in Moldova said the program is the first programmatic multiannual document that sets down Romania’s general and specific objectives of international cooperation for development and humanitarian assistance for the medium and long terms. In other words, it defines Romania’s topics of interest and the regions and countries of priority interest that will benefit from financial assistance in implementing development cooperation and humanitarian assistance programs and projects.

“Given the geographical proximity and the cultural and historical ties, the Republic of Moldova represents the priority beneficiary of Romania’s development cooperation policy. Given the good international practices, the ODA offered by Romania will be primarily aimed at projects designed to strengthen the health sector and to fight the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and to projects of direct interest for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, which can support both their connection to the European space of values and development and the maintaining of the unity of actions and coordination of approaches at the EU level,” says the program.

According to the document, the objectives will cover modern governance, application of EU values and principles, promotion of investigations, energy, agriculture, food safety, public health, environmental protection, water management, economic development, public services, regional development, education and professional formation, the mass media, strengthening of the rule of law etc.

The general and specific objectives stipulated in the program are achieved through activities approved in the form of programs and projects under annual plans.