
Moldova is more prepared for EU than for the Customs Union, experts


Politically, economically and in terms of values, Moldova is more prepared to join the European Union than the Russia-Belarus-Kazakhstan Customs Union. The conclusion was reached by experts from the Independent Analytical Center Expert-Grup, IPN reports.

They explained that Moldova's Association Agreement with the EU requires the adjustment of national legislation to European standards. However, the adjustment doesn't imply the whole replacement of laws. Meanwhile, joining the Customs Union means accession to the Eurasian Union and the loss of economic sovereignty. This option would require giving up the tax policy, reduced autonomy in decision-making in energy and other fields.

The experts say that in the EU, no decision concerning Moldova could be adopted without the agreement of Moldovan representatives. The Association Agreement doesn't affect in any way the Free Trade Agreement with the CIS and is compatible with other FTAs. The Association Agreement offers access to a market of over 500 million consumers from the 27 EU countries and Turkey. The Agreement also stipulates that the EU will provide financial help, including through the EBRD and EIB.

On the other hand, joining the Customs Union would annul all the commercial facilities offered by the EU and would make it impossible for Moldova to have Free Trade Areas with other countries. Should Moldova join this structure, it would gain access to a market of 172 million consumers from 3 CIS countries with which Moldova already has FTAs.

As regards values, the experts say that the Association Agreement with EU reflects democratic principles, human rights, good governance and market economy. The EU countries are free societies, while the Customs Union targets ex-Soviet republics without requirements regarding the rule of law or respect for human rights. According to Transparency International, the perception of corruption in the Customs Union countries is very high. Moreover, Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan occupy the bottom positions in the Press Freedom Index, compiled by Reporters without Borders.