
Moldova is clogging fulfilment of commitments included in Action Plan Moldova-EU – “Euromonitor”


Moldova should double its efforts towards implementing democratic reforms in several relevant areas such as: observance of human rights, freedom of press, rule of law, including independence of justice. The report is monitoring the process of implementation of the EU-Moldova Action Plan and shows that Moldova has rather stagnated than progressed in what concerns the commitments made by the country by signing the document, the authors of “Euromonitor” say. Director of Association for Participative Democracy Igor Botan told a news conference on Tuesday, August 31 dedicated to the launching of the seventh issue of the “Euromonitor” that the ruling party continues to be more interested in maintaining its power that making long-term progresses. According to the authors of the study, the progresses made by the country are different from chapter to chapter and are especially related to the social-economic field. Meanwhile the political field is obviously regressing. In what concerns the settlement process of the Transnistrian conflict, Igor Botan considers that “Moldova has damaged its image regarding the promotion of an open dialogue in the settlement process”, the expert mentioned, specifying that the Moldovan-Russian consultations outside the “5+2” format have worried both the western partners and the public opinion. As regards the democratic institutions, it was said that some of the problems signalled in the previous issue of this report have persisted. Cases of human rights violations were recorded, a number of laws in the field were delayed, the concerns regarding the media have remained valid, and the access to information has continued to be limited. “Moldova was condemned in 10 more cases at the ECHR”, ADEPT expert Sergiu Buscaneanu mentioned. Among the economic progresses, Director of Expert Group Centre Valeriu Prohnitchi emphasised the reduction of poverty, but only for the urban areas. “The industry continues to regress. It is possible that the agricultural year will have the same future. The development of constructions only in towns and cities generates income disparity” the expert said. Referring to the initiative on fiscal amnesty, Prohnitchi epoined out that such a step justifies the efforts to re-establish financial discipline, but it discourages the punctual tax payers. The aim of the Euromonitor is the independent and unbiased monitoring of implementation of the EU-Moldova Action Plan. The report is published with the financial support of Soros Moldova Foundation. The report observes 10 of those 300 actions included in the Action Plan, such as: democratic institutions, Transnistrian dispute, administrative capacities, judicial system, economic and social reforms, business climate, combating human trafficking etc.