
Moldova, Germany to negotiate €8.6m agreement


The Government of the Republic of Moldova initiates negotiations on the signing of an €8.6m agreement with the Government of Germany. Under the draft agreement that was approved in the May 20 meeting of the Cabinet, additional technical assistance will be provided for financing a number of ongoing projects to modernize local public services, to fight and prevent corruption, to counsel the Government in the field of economic policies, and also in funds for studies and specialists, IPN reports.

“The final goal of the agreement is to fight poverty and to ensure the economic, social and ecological development of the Republic of Moldova. This way, the states commit themselves to ensuring sustainable global development that means economic efficiency, social justice, ecological sustainability and good governance,” said Deputy Prime Minister Sergey Pușcuța, Minister of Finance.

The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany empowered the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) to implement the agreement.