
Moldova contributes to more secure European area. Info-Prim Neo interview with Valeriu Patrashko, deputy division head at State Information Resources Center “Registru”


[ - Only biometric passports will be issued in Moldova from January 1, 2011. Why was this radical change necessary? How does it benefit the Moldovans?] - The biometric passports were introduced at global level with the aim of ensuring the people’s security and real protection. Within a pilot project, Moldova started to issue biometric passports in February 2008. When the talks on the liberalization of the visa regime with the European Union opened, the EU imposed the condition of issuing only biometric passports as they ensure an increased security level that makes forging of documents impossible and prevents illegal trafficking. If this passport is lost or stolen, it cannot be used by another person. [ - Are there differences in procedures that the applicants for biometric passports should know? Are additional documents required when applying?] - The same documents as before are submitted when applying for a biometric passport. The presence of the applicant in the document issuing office is obligatory as there are needed the fingerprints and a digital photo. In accordance with the standards and recommendations of the ICAO {(the International Civil Aviation Organization)}, the biometric passport contains the fingerprints, the digital photo and signature, the personal data of the holder – the name, surname, patronymic, date of birth, as well as the number, issuing date and expiration date of the passport. The children younger than 12 are freed from the obligation to have their fingerprints in the passport. The biometric passport is different from the ordinary one by the cover symbol that represents the chip inserted in the first page of the passport. [ - Were the passport issuing terms modified?] - The terms remained unchanged: 4, 8, 24 hours and 5, 10, 15, 30 days. But, under the Law No. 135 of July 1, 2010 containing amendments to Article 2 of the Law No. 273-XIII of November 9, 1994 concerning the national identification papers, the period of validity of the biometric passports is seven years, while for children younger than seven – four years. [ - How much will a biometric passport cost? Are there discounts for certain groups of people?] - The price of a biometric passport was reduced and will cost 850 lei from January 1, 2011. Concessions are provided for the participants in the Second World War, orphans and disabled children who go abroad and other groups of persons. The full list of persons who benefit from concessions is available on www.registru.md. [ - Will there be travel restrictions for persons who do not have biometric passports this year?] - The non-biometric passports issued before January 1, 2011 will be valid until their period of validity expires {(Law No. 135 containing amendments to Article 2 of the Law No. 273-XIII of November 9, 1994 concerning the national identification papers)}. For example, a non-biometric passport issued in 2009 will be valid throughout the period indicated in the passport. [Elena Nistor, Info-Prim Neo]