
Moldova can expect accession with EU to be hastened


In the context of the regional situation, Moldova can expect the association with the European Union to be hastened, considers Lina Grau. Contacted by IPN, the expert of the Foreign Policy Association said the European partners understand very well that in the current geopolitical conditions, when Russia occupied a part of Ukraine by military force, every day counts for Moldova’s European course. The quicker the country obtains the liberalized visa regime and signs the Association Agreement with the EU, the greater will be its chances that its European future will not be destroyed by internal or foreign forces.

Lina Grau underlined that Russia has military troops on Moldova’s territory, controls a potential source of separatism in the southern part of the country and has allies among the Moldovan politicians and important economic leverage. Therefore, Moscow can exert real pressure on Chisinau.

“In this connection, the European partners maximally accelerated the procedures for granting a liberalized visa regime to Moldova and are making effort for the Association Agreement to be signed as soon as possible. Over the last few months, we saw that the periods announced by the European officials for liberalizing the visa regime and signing the accord have been constantly reduced. We can say that Moldova’s visa issue was examined in a record time, while the time limit for signing the accord was shortened to August, at the latest,” said the expert.

Lina Grau considers that they work intensely on the Association Agreement in the European Commission. “There are such aspects as translation, legal adjustment, etc. Given that the Commission’s mandate is coming to an end, there are also other urgent documents on its agenda. But Moldova went up in the European Commission’s list of priorities, especially following Russia’s aggression,” she stated.

The expert voiced hope that Moldova will not witness other actions by Russia on its territory, which would force the European partners to take force majeure decisions. Russia showed this time again that it is unable to build a security area around it and that it is a threat to the neighbors and the partners.

As to the decisions to abolish the visa requirements for Moldovans, expected to be taken in April, Lina Grau said that according to her information, the Council of the European Union this week will adopt a final decision. If so, the Moldovans will be able to travel visa free in the EU sooner than expected.