
Moldova, an important player at the Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency


The decisions to organize the 63rd General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) were taken with the participation of Ambassador Victor Osipov in Austria and Slovakia, permanent representative of the Republic of Moldova to the UN office, IPN reports.

A statement of the Embassy of Moldova shows that the conference was held from 16 to 19 September, and Victor Osipov served as vice-chairman of the General Conference of the Eastern European Group, which includes 33 states.

"This involvement enhances the prestige of the Republic of Moldova within the United Nations world organization specialized in the peaceful and safe use of atomic energy," says the statement, which mentions that the delegation from Chisinau, led by Ion Apostol, chief of the National Agency for the Regulation of Nuclear and Radiological Activities of the Republic of Moldova, took part in the Conference.

According to the cited source, the IAEA focuses on the development of research and technologies in the nuclear field, the supervision of compliance with the standards in the atomic energy field and in any other areas of nuclear technologies use (medical, agricultural-food, scientific, etc.), ensuring safety. and security related to radioactive sources, generation, exploitation, transportation, storage, liquidation, illegal traffic, etc. "The Agency also has extensive Technical Cooperation programs through which it offers specialized assistance to the states to develop both the peaceful use of atomic and radioactive energy, as well as human, technical and procedural capabilities meant to provide the necessary security guarantees”, states the press release

In the last years the Republic of Moldova has benefited from several assistance projects from the IAEA with a total value of over 5 million euros. "The partners and their beneficiaries are the Republican Clinical Hospital, the Oncological Institute, the specialized institutions for the safe transportation and storage of radioactive waste, the authorities concerned with the development of the programs on Radon and of the respective National Strategy.

"In the margins of the Conference, Ambassador Victor Osipov had bilateral meetings with Raja Adnan, director of the IAEA Division of Nuclear Security, and with Juan Carlos Lentijo, deputy Director General of the IAEA, with whom he discussed the implementation and the prospects of assistance for the Republic of Moldova," the statement says.