
Moldova accepts reasonable compromise on status of Transnistrian region, PM


Moldova is ready to accept a reasonable compromise for granting a special status to the Transnistrian region, which will offer the Transnistrian population guaranteed self-government in different areas of the public life, Prime Minister Iurie Leanca said in the 68th session of the UN General Assembly in New York, IPN reports.

According to a communiqué from the Government, the Premier said there are many obstacles to settling the Transnistrian conflict, including the foreign military troops that are present on the country’s territory. In the same connection, Iurie Leanca reiterated the call to Russia to pull out its military forces from Moldova’s territory, in compliance with the international commitments made by it.

The Premier stated there should be a common constitutional, economic and defense area inside the internationally recognized borders of Moldova. At the same time, Moldova must be a functional state that will continue to make progress on its European integration path and will offer the population from both banks of the Nistru River the right to equally benefit from he extended partnership with the European Union.

Iurie Leanca said the sustainable development is the only way of ensuring decent living conditions in Moldova. In this respect, the Government of Moldova committed itself to ensure technological modernization so as facilitate the people’s access to public services. The extended agenda of the Government focuses on the achievement of the strategic European integration objective that will open new prospects for international cooperation in all the fields.

In the 68th session of the UN General Assembly, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite said the Vilnius Summit will be a success for Moldova. Lithuania is the first ex-Soviet state that took over the rotating presidency of the EU. The Lithuanian presidency centers on three objectives – a credible, growing and open Europe.

Moldova and Lithuania so far signed 46 bilateral agreements, including in such areas as social security, air services, education, defense, and transport.