
Mobiasbanca grants its shareholders direct online access to information


Press Release

July 16, 2018

Mobiasbanca grants its shareholders direct online access to information

For the first time in the Moldova’s banking sector, Mobiasbanca extends the principle of informing the Bank's shareholders through its web page.

The new platform aims to improve the process of information sharing before and after the General Shareholder Meeting takes place, in line with the corporate governance best practices, the most up-to-date and interactive communication methods.


The new „Shareholders” menu presents two categories of information: 

-       Public informationoffers shareholders general information as provided by the laws in force. 

-       Private information can be accessed via a personal password, for each shareholder, who will be able to view the information related to the exercising of Bank’s shareholders’ rights and obligations.


This will also contribute to the fulfillment of legal requirements concerning the disclosure of information by the Bank and its shareholders and will raise the degree of transparency in line with the corporate governance international standards.


Please note that the Bank Shareholders’ Transparency Rating in Moldova, conducted by “Expert-Grup” Analytical Centre, reconfirmed the high level of Mobiasbanca transparency, including the fact that „there are a large volume of public information about the great majority of shareholders, confirming their quality and value for the bank”.

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