
MNA: „Red-Orange coalition make deals, replacing democratic methods”


Chişinău.04.04.06.Info-Prim Neo/oxa/ Moldova Noastra Alliance (MNA) considers that the leaders of the parliamentary factions of Popular Christian Democratic Party, Democratic Party and Social Liberal Party, which voted for the Communist Party leader on 4th of April 2005, sold the chance of the opposition to set a transparent control on the governance, and to impose acceleration towards the European integration process. MNA leader Serafim Urecheanu presented at a press conference the MNA Declaration, mentioning that the act of 4 April prolonged the period of elusions through which the Communist governance decelerates the democratic process, the economical liberalization, population’s welfare, territorial reintegration and European integration. Because of this “Red-Orange act” the development process in Moldova was restrained. According to this declaration, applauding the results of pro-communist coalition means to offense poor people and ignore true values of democratic reforms. The authors of the Declaration explain that the written agreements made by the parties mentioned above with the Communist party were unnecessary, since they contained commitments already compulsory for Moldova, from international point of view. MNA also stated that, during the last year reforms in press denationalizing were simulated, this one becoming an instrument of liquidating independent institutions, depriving the population of the right to get correctly. At the same time, reforms adopted in judicial system, electoral system, and public finance control were formal, without public debates and European expertise, and decisions adopted in the context of reforms regards only areas with distant impact that will be used by Communist party when they will get in opposition. At the same time, the economic-budgetary policy does not stimulate growth of the real sector and is based only on money transfers of the citizens working abroad; the living standards of persons involved in the public sector is decreasing, agriculture is restrained by price increases and taxation; education, health protection, pharmaceutics, local administration, investments sectors deal with difficulties, generated by the incompetence of Communist governance. 1 year later since re-installment of the Communist leader as head state, MNA noted that the ”Red-Orange coalition” is defined by replacing democratic methods with “deals” concealed from the society. The only one hope to save Moldova from the Communist leadership, as it is mentioned in the declaration, are efforts steered in order to unite the democratic electorate.