
Ministers make their property public


A number of ministers of the current Cabinet made known the incomes they earned last year. Some of them declared incomes only from salaries, while others did not indicate that they have a house, Info-Prim Neo reports. [Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration] Iurie Leanca and his wife together earned about 190,000 lei in 2011. The minister did not declare that he owns a house, but has instead a car. [Minister of Economy] Valeriu Lazar and his wife made 280,000 lei in salaries and over 178,000 lei in dividends from companies. The Lazar family owns two plots of land – in Chisinau and in Mingir, Hincesti, a house in Chisinau to the value of 2 million lei, a car and holdings in two companies worth over 350,000 lei. [Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration] Eugen Karpov and his wife earned 365,000 lei in salaries. They own a one-room apartment to the value of over 200,000 lei. [Minister of Finance] Veaceslav Negruta and his family declared incomes of over 200,000 lei in salaries and of about 65,000 lei from the sale of a garage. The Negruta family also has a house in Truseni which is 152 square meters in area, an apartment in Chisinau, worth over 286,000 lei, and two cars. Minister of Justice] Oleg Efrim and his wife earned almost 120,000 lei for their work. 11,000 lei came from teaching activity, while 370,000 lei as interest from deposits. The minister did not declare houses, vehicles or shareholdings. [Minister of Defense] Vitalie Marinuta and his wife last year made over 110,000 lei in salaries. The minister also declared 51,000 lei earned from other legal sources such as allowances, scholarships, pensions or prizes. Vitalie Marinuta owns a car to the value of 100,000 lei. [Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry] Vasile Bumacov declared incomes of over 236,000 lei earned together with his wife for their work and from teaching and scientific activities. The family has two plots in Chisinau to the value of over 600,000 lei and a house of almost 1 million lei. In 2011, the minister bought a car of 288,000 lei and owns a garage of over 42,000 lei at the Agrarian University. He also owns shares in two agricultural companies. The other ministers did not make public their property and incomes. Deputy Prime Minister Mihai Moldovanu, the Governor of Gagauzia Mihail Formuzal and the president of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova Gheorghe Duca did not declare their property either. Only eight of the 21 Cabinet officials, including the Premier, filled out the income statements for 2011 and published them on the Government’s website.