
Minister of economy about restrictions for hospitality industry: We must avoid a lockdown


The introduction of restrictive measures is necessary for avoiding a lockdown in the Republic of Moldova, said Minister of Economy Sergiu Gaibu. He noted a final decision as to the obligation to present a COVID-19 vaccine certificate or a negative test result for the visitors of entities of the hospitality industry hasn’t been yet taken, but this will depend on the pandemic developments, IPN reports.

According to Gaibu, the experience of other states shows that the introduction of restrictive measure for the hospitality industry facilitates the fight against the pandemic. However, the decision concerning the obligation to present a vaccine certificate when entering restaurants will be taken only if the number of COVID-19 cases increasers dramatically.

“In other states, it is proven that one of the most efficient measures is for the access to areas with potential infection hotbeds to be permitted only if one of the three conditions imposed by doctors are met: vaccine certificate, negative test result or a document showing the presence of antibodies. In the Republic of Moldova, a lockdown is the worst development and we should therefore do our best to avoid such a situation. That’s why slightly more restrictive measures that would enable to avoid a lockdown are needed,” Sergiu Gaibu stated in the talk show “Emphasis on Today” on TVR Moldova channel.

The minister noted that a restrictive measure will not be applied uniformly at national level. It will depend on the COVID-19 alert level in each area.

“The vaccination rate matters a lot. We are analyzing the evolutions in each region. Different measure will be applied in each area. Chisinau has a vaccination rate of 35% already, which is higher than the national average. This will also be taken into account when we take a decision as to a green pass,” stated Gaibu.

For their part, representatives of the hospitality industry consider the obligation to present a COVID-19 vaccine certificate, a negative test result or a document showing the presence of antibodies when entering restaurants will lead to the gradual bankruptcy of the sector.

“Given the low vaccination rate, we expect a drastic decline in consumption. This condition will have a direct impact on the economic situation of restaurants and this will impact the employees of the hospitality industry at a time when the labor force ready to work in this sector is rather reduced. In other states, these COVID-19 certificates were introduced, but the vaccination rate there is of 50-60%,” stated Aneta Zasavitski, president of the MĂR Employers Association.

In accordance with the last decision taken by the National Extraordinary Public Health Commission, the persons aged 18 and up are admitted to performances, concerts, festivals, theaters, cinemas, concert halls, nightclubs, dance halls only on the presentation of a COVID-19 vaccine certificate, a negative test result or a document showing the presence of antibodies.