
Minimum salary in Transnistria to be increased by over 6%


On April 1, the minimum salary in the Transnistrian region will rise by over 6% or 83 Transnistrian rubles (about 65 lei). It will thus be over 1,400 Transnistrian rubles (1,125 lei), IPN reports.

According to the Transnistrian agency “Novostipmr”, the minimum salary for skilled employees working at budget-funded enterprises will be over 1,500 rubles (more than 1,200 lei), while at private companies – close to 3,100 rubles (about 2,500 lei).

The minimum salary for other categories of workers of budget-funded enterprises will be 1,400 rubles, while of private companies – over 2,800 rubles (about 2,250 lei).