
Mihail Formuzal denies accusations


Gagauzia Governor Mihail Formuzal denies accusations launched by People’s Assembly president Anna Harlamenko and electoral rival Nicolai Dudoglo. The bashkan issued a press release stating the elections on December 26 had taken place according to the law and that his opponents’ allegations were ill-founded and manipulating, Info-Prim Neo reports. “These are fantasies and emotions with no link to reality. I understand Mrs. Harlamenko’s and her brother’s frustration, as he lost the elections for a second consecutive time, but this is democracy. They’d better analyze their mistakes and prepare for the next ballot in 4 years”, the governor said. Mihail Formuzal blamed Anna Harlamenko for using her position in family interests and that her opinion didn’t reflect that of the institution she led. The governor added that after people had made their choice on December 26, the Central Electoral Commission in Comrat announced elections had taken place according to democratic standards. On Wednesday, Anna Harlamenko held a press conference and declared the ballot results had been faked. She accused the winner Mihail Formuzal of intimidating voters and rival Nicolai Dudoglo. The latter submitted a complaint to the Comrat Court of Appeal claiming electoral frauds.