
Mihai Tîrșu: Moldova must develop capacity of internal electrical infrastructure


The Republic of Moldova must develop the capacity of the domestic electrical infrastructure if it plans to switch to major electricity consumption. This is especially necessary from the north to the center because there is weaker electrical infrastructure there, Mihai Tîrșu, director of the Institute of Power Engineering of the Technical University of Moldova, stated in IPN’s public debate “Moldovan-Romanian cooperation in energy sector”.

Mihai Tîrșu said that there is an ongoing project through which the Institute seeks to study how electricity consumption will evolve given the intention to switch over from gas or other fuel consumption to electricity consumption. It will aim to identify the regions of Moldova where consumption increases and to prioritize consumption. It will also seek to identify the stages of development of the electrical infrastructure in Moldova so that the full transition to electricity consumption can be ensured by 2050.

The director of the Institute of Power Engineering of the Technical University of Moldova noted that from the consumer’s point of view, the final price they pay for natural gas is the most important because, naturally, the consumer always wants the lowest price. To get the lowest price, ensuring competition between suppliers is the best way. When it is offered the possibility for any interested supplier to have access to the transport infrastructure, genuine competition appears and the one who offers the best price wins.

Mihai Tîrșu noted that the responsible ministry’s actions to put fair competition into practice are evident and he welcomes them. At the same time, he sees the interest of companies. There are also conflicts between the companies that do not win one contest or another, but in the end the consumers stand to gain when they pay a lower price. With the emergence of more suppliers, there is also a higher level of energy security, but also predictability is created regarding the supply of energy resources.

Mihai Tirsu considers that Moldova’s integration into the European energy system by 2025 is possible because practically most of the legislative packages to be developed in this regard are close to being finished. This will provide many possibilities for households and businesspeople.

As for the costs for one cubic meter of gas, he believes that it is rather a matter within the competence of the government, which should make sure that people’s incomes and costs for energy resources are balanced.

The public debate entitled “Moldovan-Romanian cooperation in energy sector” was the first installment of the series “Double integration through cooperation and information. Continuity”. The project is implemented by IPN News Agency with the support of the Department for Relations with the Republic of Moldova of the Government of Romania.