
Mihai Popșoi: Conditionality for EU disbursements resonate with our priorities


The conditions imposed by the European Union on the Republic of Moldova for disbursing money from the €600 million package are appropriate and resonate with the priorities of the Party of Action and Solidarity, said Deputy Parliament Speaker Mihai Popșoi. According to him, the Republic of Moldova will manage to absorb the financial support announced by the European Commission. The money will be reallocated for building the rule of law and ensuring the country’s economic recovery, IPN reports.

The Deputy Speaker noted that after a period of international isolation, the Republic of Moldova now enjoys unprecedented openness on the part of the European institutions. The allocation of the 36 million in grant money announced on September 14 is an additional conclusive proof.

“For the next tranches, the conditions are appropriate and are mainly related to the fight against corruption and building of the rule of law and these objectives were also stipulated in our electoral program and are citizens’ priorities. We are glad to enjoy the European Union’s support, including the budget support, which helps us to support the budget situation and enabled us to identify the sources needed for increasing pensions. In these difficult times, we are obliged to help primarily the most vulnerable ones,” Mihai Popșoi stated in the program “Emphasis on Today” on TVR Moldova channel.

Under the Economic Recovery Plan for the Republic of Moldova, the Economic Commission during the next three years will allocate a total of €600 million in grant funding, including for investment programs. Investments will be made in the justice sector reform and the fight against corruption, said the Deputy Speaker.

“A part of this sum of €600 million during the next few years will go to do the justice sector reform that is the basis of our objectives for the next years. We cannot attract foreign investment and cannot persuade our citizens to invest money into a business as long as their private property is not 100% guaranteed, there is no predictability as to the law norms and corruption is not rooted out.”

Yesterday, Katarína Mathernová, Deputy Director-General for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations at the European Commission, stated that the first measures under the Economic Recovery Plan will shortly materialize, with the expected disbursement of €36 million in grant money under budget support programs to support authorities’ efforts to fight the consequences of the pandemic.