
Mihai Isac: Ordeal experienced by civilians in Israel and Gaza Strip will continue


The ordeal experienced by the civilian population in Israel and the Gaza Strip will continue as the identification of solutions to ensure peace in the region will necessitate time, foreign policy analyst Mihai Isac stated in a public debate hosted by IPN. According to the expert, Israel will seek to show its military capacities and will struggle to eliminate the Hamas leaders and to free the citizens taken hostage by Hamas militants.

Shortly after the war broke out in Israel, the Kremlin announced that Vladimir Putin could broker a peace agreement. In this connection, Mihai Isac said that peace in the region would not be made soon and there is now no international format that could contribute to a ceasefire.

“We should also mention the internal factor in Israel, which has relations with the Russian Federation. Russian citizens were also affected by the wild attack staged by Hamas. There are data that persons who also hold Russian nationality are among those abducted into Gaza. The leader from the Kremlin didn’t directly condemn the attack by Hamas, but blamed the U.S. diplomatic service for what has happened. He tries to appear as an advocate of the rights of the Arab population, but doesn’t directly accuse Israel. The special relations between Israel and the Russian Federation, owing also to the large number of Jews native of the CIS space who live in Israel, offers not much maneuvering space to Israel for attracting the Russian Federation. There is no international format that could guarantee peace in the region. Most probably, a quartet of states with interests in the region, like Egypt, the U.S., one of the large Arab countries, the Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, could be formed,” stated the Romanian expert.

He noted that Israel will not concede to the terrorist group Hamas and will struggle until this is exterminated and until the hostages taken by the terrorists are set free. Furthermore, the horrors committed by the Hamas terrorists allow Israel to demonstrate its military superiority.

“Peace in the region will not be brought by an organization. There will also be punctual diplomatic initiatives. Peace in the region will not be brought by the Arab League or by the UN which is paralyzed by the Russian Federation’s veto as regards the ensuring of Israel’s’ security. There will be a shadow game, a game of negotiations in all the capitals of the region and not only. It is expected that a solution will not be announced soon,” stated the foreign policy expert.

According to him, the modern anti-Semitism phenomenon has expanded in Western Europe after Hamas asked to stage events in support of the Palestinians all over the Muslim world. In this connection, thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters came together in a number of cities in France, but the protests were dispersed with water jets and teargas.

“The ordeal experienced by the civilian population in Israel and the Gaza Strip will continue. The problem of extension of violence in the region is a very significant one. There were already contacts between the Israeli intelligence services and the Jordanian ones for identifying methods for preventing the intensification of violence. This modern anti-Semitism based on the denial of the right to existence of Israel expands in Western Europe. We see attacks on businesses run by members of the Jewish community or Jewish cultural sites, but the European authorities seek to find a common response to this crisis,” said Mihai Isac.

The public debate entitled “War in Israel: What is it and what should we expect?” was the 291st installment of IPN’s project “Developing Political Culture through Public Debates” that is supported by the Hanns Seidel Foundation of Germany.