
Mihai Ghimpu: We have an alternative, if head of state is not elected


Speaker Mihai Ghimpu, who is also the caretaker head of state, said that they can use certain alternatives in case the Communists Party refuses to vote for the candidate for the presidency proposed by the Alliance for European Integration (AEI), Info-Prim Neo reports. “The president will be elected constitutionally. We count on several legislative stipulations, which will make the PCRM support the Alliance's candidate,” Ghimpu said during the program “In Profunzime” (“In Depth”) on ProTV Chisinau channel on Monday evening. It is not for the first time that Mihai Ghimpu says that the AEI has solutions that could help elect the head of state, but never specifies what kind of solutions, even if the journalists insist. The Speaker also said that he had discussions with a number of Communist MPs and is convinced that more than eight of them will vote for the candidate fielded by the AEI. “I cannot name those persons. It is not excluded that Vladimir Voronin (the leader of the PCRM) will also vote for the Alliance's candidate,” Mihai Ghimpu said. Representatives of the PCRM have repeatedly stated that they will not take part in the election of the head of state until they form a left-wing coalition. Members of the Alliance and Communist MPs say they do not want early parliamentary elections next year. But they do not rule out that early elections could again take place and accuse each other of responsibility for this. The president of Moldova is elected by the secret vote of at east 61 MPs. The Alliance for European Integration (PLDM, PL, PDM and AMN) hold 53 seats of MP, while the PCRM – 48.