
Mihai Ghimpu explains why sexy lady was included in list of candidates


The leader of the Liberal Party (PL) Mihai Ghimpu justified the inclusion in the party’s list of candidates for the November 30 parliamentary elections of a sexy young woman, who placed stirring photos on her Facebook page, reason for which he was ridiculed on social networking sites and in the media. He provided explanations in the program “Pahomi” on Realitatea TV channel, IPN reports.

The Liberal leader said Alina Zotea, who is the 19th in the party’s list of candidates, is the personal assistant of MP Mihai Ghimpu. “This girl graduated from the faculty of finance at the Academy of Economic Studies with an average grade of 9.65 and has been a member of the PL since 2005. She formed part of the team of young people who helped Dorin Chirtoaca win the mayoralty,” stated Mihai Ghimpu.

He said he is not bothered by the photos showing Zotea flirting in a Soviet military uniform. “She worked as a model and was the mascot of the team Zimbru and has different pictures. Maybe she had to wear Soviet uniform too. I also keep my uniform of sergeant of the Soviet army. In the Western states, it is something praiseworthy when a model enters Parliament,” said the leader of the PL

Mihai Ghimpu, who is convened that the PL will hold 26 seats in the future Parliament, said he sees Alina a member of the parliamentary commission on economy, budget and finance, but she wants more a career in the Government. He noted they wanted to make sure that at least 30% of the candidates on the parliamentary election list are women.