Mihai Ghimpu: Alliance still exists
“Seventy percent of Moldova's budget is made up of foreign resources and this aid is given exactly to the Alliance (for European Integration). The one who will try to break up this Alliance will be responsible for even greater poverty after the elections. Every one of us is aware of this and the statements which appear from time to time are merely electoral behavior, as the Alliance continues to exist. There's no future for Moldova without the Alliance”, stated Moldovan acting President Mihai Ghimpu in a joint interview with his Romanian counterpart Traian Basescu given to HotNews.
Mihai Ghimpu said that the upcoming elections explain much of the controversial statements. “Each party acts in its own interests to win more seats in Parliament, but the Alliance still exists, at least because no one voiced intention to leave it”, said Ghimpu.
When asked which of the four parties Bucharest would endorse if the Alliance failed to produce a common candidate for president, Romanian President answered that Bucharest wouldn't interfere in the political decisions of the Moldovan parties, but hoped that the Alliance would continue to exist after the presidential elections as well.
“The Alliance was the only one which has given Moldova the chance to start a journey toward European integration. For example, unlike during the Communist government, it was possible to start negotiations on an Association Agreement with the EU. Talks were also started on easier visa arrangements and, additionally, we hope that by the end of the year talks will be launched on a comprehensive trade agreement with the EU, as well”, said Traian Basescu.
“Only the Alliance can be pillar that can give Moldova the chance to be accepted by the EU as a potential candidate alongside with the Western Balkans. This is why we wish that the Alliance would further exist”, Basescu added.