
MEP Siegfried Mureșan: EU is determined to advance Moldova’s European path at accelerated pace


The first Moldova-EU intergovernmental conference means for Moldovans that the European Union is determined to advance the European path of the country, and is determined to do so at an accelerated pace, declared MEP Siegfried Mureșan.

“This is truly a historic decision, because we have known since December that there will be accession negotiations, and we proposed to start this year, and the most optimistic scenario was late June. And now this optimistic scenario is happening”, Mureșan, who is the president of the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with Moldova, told an interview with Radio Chisinau.

Recently, the ambassadors of EU member countries agreed in principle on the negotiation framework for Moldova and Ukraine. According to the MEP, these negotiations would mean that the legislation of Moldova will be aligned with the European legislation. “The European legislation will be adapted to the realities of the Republic of Moldova and we will also have in the Republic of Moldova new standards for environmental protection, quality protection, consumer protection, labor rights, European living standards in Moldova. This is what we are talking about in these negotiations. So, the start of these negotiations is a very good thing, it’s not just a theoretical matter that happens in Brussels, but there are decisions that will have a positive impact on the lives of all people in the Republic of Moldova”, said Siegfried Mureșan.

Asked how realistic it is for Moldova to see accession negotiations completed in the current term of the European Parliament and the European Commission, the MEP said this will depend on the pace at which Moldova is able to implement reforms in the coming years. Siegfried Mureșan believes that if there is a credible pro-European leadership in Moldova in the coming years, then the negotiations will proceed quickly.

Mureșan added that, as a MEP and as president of the European Parliament Delegation for Moldova, he intends to support these negotiations and contribute to their successful conclusion as quickly as possible.

On Friday, President Maia Sandu signed a decree formally initiating the accession negotiations on Moldova’s behalf, as Cristina Gherasimov, Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, was appointed our country’s chief negotiator.