
Mentoring for family-type alternative childcare providers


Family-type alternative childcare providers are familiarized with the legislation, organization and health aspects required to open a family-type crèche. It is a session organized by experts of the Center “Partnership for Development” (CPD), which is part of an extensive mentoring program dedicated to key stages, such as informing and training providers about the current legislation, registration process, organization, equipment and launch of such facilities, IPN reports.

The CPD said that in 2022, the Republic of Moldova took a major step towards improving and diversifying child care by adopting Law no. 367/2022. This law introduced for the first time the legal frameworks for three types of alternative care services for children under 3 years of age: employer-organized care in the workplace, individualized care and, an innovative segment, family-type care. These services have been designed to complement the existing educational and care spectrum, bringing a fresh perspective into the early childhood care ecosystem.

In order to support the effective implementation of this legislative initiative and the National Program for the Expansion of Crèche Services, as well as to provide support to those who wish to assume the role of carers in these alternative services, a dedicated mentoring program was designed.

The program offers financial support for equipping the spaces, providing each participant with a set of essential equipment (beds, high chairs, medical kit, toys, books, etc.) worth up to €3,000. At the same time, all the expenses related to training, travel and documents necessary for the registration of this type of service will be reimbursed. An important aspect of the program is that 19 family-type crèches are planned to open.

During the program, participants benefit from continuous support, mentoring and individualized coaching, not only in the opening phase, but also afterwards, thus ensuring that each nursery operates efficiently and according to established standards. In addition, the program pays special attention to refugees from Ukraine, offering 25 vouchers worth €250 each as part of efforts to support and integrate them into the local community. Through these initiatives, the program aims to create a safe and stimulating care environment for children, while supporting child care professionals and contributing to the development of high-quality services in the community.

A distinctive aspect of the programme is that alternative family-type care services are specifically designed to be provided directly at the home or temporary residence of the carer. This allows for the creation of a more intimate and personalized care environment for a limited number of children – up to five. However, in order to ensure appropriate attention and care, if the dependent children include a child under one year of age or a child with special needs, the maximum group size is reduced to three children. This approach ensures that every child receives the care and attention they need in a warm, encouraging family environment.

“This mentoring program demonstrates deep dedication to providing a loving and thoughtful start in life for the smallest members of our society. It is an initiative that aligns with the increased need for adapted, personal care aimed at consolidating the good and harmonious development of children in the Republic of Moldova,” said the CPD.

At the end of the program, the Center aims to establish a network of service providers, a platform where they can share experiences, offer and receive support, and learn from each other from the lessons learned during their activity. This professional community will function as a core of knowledge and support, facilitating the exchange of good practices, innovations and ideas that contribute to raising child care standards in the Republic of Moldova.

Thus, the CPD program is not just a momentary initiative, but is an investment in the future of family-type care, with the aim of shaping not only today’s care services, but also of inspiring a sustainable, shared and effective model of care for future generations.

For those interested in joining this program and contributing to the development of a high-quality child care network, registration is still possible. The registration form can be accessed by following this link.