
Meeting to commemorate those killed on Varnita-Tighina plateau


A meeting to commemorate those killed in the 1992 armed conflict was staged on the Varnita-Tighina plateau where forces of the police and the newly-formed units of the national army fought the guard of the Nistrian Moldovan Republic, Russia’s 14th army and Cossack volunteers 22 years ago (between June 19 and June 22, 1992), IPN reports.

According to a communiqué of the Reintegration Office, Deputy Prime Minister Eugen Carpov in the meeting said the residents of Varnita village protected Moldova’s independence by sacrificing their best men.

“In the name of the Government of Moldova and in my name, I assure you that we will continue to make effort to support the veterans, invalids and families of those who died on the battlefield as well as the settlements from the Security Zone,” said the official.

Eugen Carpov awarded the Diploma of the Government of the Republic of Moldova signed by Prime Minister Iurie Leanca to ten people from Varnita, in gratitude for their patriotic and civic spirit, contribution to strengthening Moldova’s statehood and for promoting the aspirations for peace and stability in the Security Zone.