
Media NGOs make call to authorities


The nongovernmental organizations operating in the mass media sector (Association of Independent Press, Center for Independent Journalism, Center for Journalistic Investigations, Association of Electronic Press, Acces-info Center, Committee for the Freedom of the Press, Association of Independent Tele-Journalists, RISE Moldova) call on the Moldovan authorities to ensure swift and comprehensive informing about the epidemiological situation in connection with the extension of the COVID-19 pandemic, IPN reports, quoting an appeal of the given organizations.

These ask the National Commission for Exceptional Situations, the Government of the Republic of Moldova, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection and the National Agency for Public Health to ensure correct and professional cooperation with the media outlets, refraining from groundless accusations and insinuations referring to journalists who ask for information of public interest and have the duty to inform objectively and excessively.

The organizations said the journalists meet with situations when different governmental functionaries and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, instead of rapidly responding to the requests to confirm or refute particular reports, these refuse to provide information and then unjustifiably accuse the press of attempting to cause a sensation and to violate the right to private life.

The authors request the public institutions and functionaries to accept questions online from journalists after the briefings broadcast through streaming platform and warn the authorities that the complete informing about all the aspects of public interest concerning the epidemiological situation in the country, by mandatorily respecting patients’ rights, is the most efficient measure against misinformation about COVID-19 and an essential condition for avoiding situations of panic in society.