
Media NGOs demand to punish Minister Bolea for bad language


Media nongovernmental organizations leveled criticism at Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Bolea, Minister of Agroiuclture and Food Indstry, who in a news conference on Thursday used swear words with regard to a journalist. Representatives of the NGOs describe the minister’s behavior as inappropriate and demand that Prime Minister Dorin Recean should penalize him, IPN reports.

The reporter asked the minister if the state plans to offer assistance to apple growers. At that moment, Vladimir Bolea muttered several expletives to the journalist. According to the media NGOs, such behavior harms the honor and dignity of the person and run counter to the generally accepted norms of conduct in a democratic society.

The signatory organizations expressed their indignation at such impertinent behavior and consider that such language is incompatible with the post of minster. “We vehemently condemn the manifestation of any forms of intolerance for journalists and media outlets and call on all the officials to adopt decent behavior and use decent language with regard to the press,“ runs the statement.

The public statement was signed by the Independent Journalism Center, the Association of Independent Press, the Electronic Press Association, the Journalistic Investigations Center, the Center “Acces-Info”, Media-Guard Association, and RISE Moldova.