
Media Forum put off because of COVID-19


The Media Forum was postponed again following the worsening of the COVID-19 pandemic situation in the Republic of Moldova and the extension of the state of public health emergency, IPN report, quoting the Press Council. 

The 2021 edition of the Media Forum was to take place in November 2021, but was rescheduled for the start of 2022 owing to the unsatisfactory epidemiological situation at that time.

A new decision to put off the event was taken by the Initiative Group for organizing the forum that consists of representatives of the Press Council, the Association of Independent Press, the Independent Journalism Center, the Electronic Pores Association, Soros Foundation Moldova and Freedom House Moldova.

If the pandemic situation improves, the Media Forum will take place in May 2022 with the physical participation of a larger number of journalists, employees of editorial offices, representatives of the authorities, experts from Moldova and abroad.

The Media Forum is annually convoked by the Press Council and its partners to debate problems faced by the journalistic community, to identify and promote solutions to strengthen editorial independence and improve the quality of the media. The event is financed by Soros Foundation Moldova and other donors.

Over the past week, the Ministry of Heath daily reported more than 1,000 new cases of COVID-19.