
MEC forecasts a 15% increase in exports for 2007


The Ministry of Economy and Commerce (MEC) forecasts an increase by 15% of the exports in 2007, while of imports – 12%. As Minister Igor Dodon states, in 2006 there were launched more activities with a view to increasing the exports. In this regard, the Minister referred especially to the fact that as from January 1, 2006, Moldova obtained the preferential commercial regime GSP +, offered by the European Union, while the CEFTA Agreement - multilateral agreement of free exchange with the members countries of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe has been recently signed in Bucharest. “Moldova has advanced as concerns the negotiations with the EU regarding the asymmetric trade and we trust that the autonomous commercial preferences will be offered to Moldova as of July 1, 2007", said Dodon. In 11 months of the current year, there is registered an essential reduction of exports, by about 5%, and the MEC’s forecast until the end of 2006 also showed a 5% reduction in the deliveries of local goods to the external markets. "This reduction is due to the blocking of exports to the traditional markets, especially to the Russian Federation”, the cited source reported. Igor Dodon’s considers that another important macroeconomic index is the deficit of trade balance. "In 2007, despite the increase in exports that will be reached against a reduction in imports, we foresee an increase in the trade balance deficit of up to USD 1 bln 850 mln. We acknowledge the fact that this deficit can be reduced increasing the exports or reducing the imports", said the Minister. According to MEC’s forecast, in 2006, the trade balance deficit could reach USD 1 bln 670 mln.