
Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday reminds about Last Supper


The Thursday before Easter, known as Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday, is the day that commemorates the washing of feet and the Last Supper. On the fifth day of Holy Week, prayers are held in churches, both in the morning and in the evening, IPN reports.

On Holy Thursday, the Christians are expected to attend the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great, where the Twelve Gospels are read. After the service, the Christians take home the “Light of Christ” to protect the home from evil.

According to church canons, Maundy Thursday reminds of the Last Supper that Jesus Christ had with his apostles. On this day, Christ the Savior took the bread and wine, blessed them and said to the apostles: Take, eat, this is My body... Drink from it, all of you, for this is My blood.

This day also reminds of the fact that Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. In the Orthodox Church, in a special service the bishops wash the feet of 12 priests, signifying humility. The Christians can also take communion on this day.

The next morning there is no service. Holy Friday or Good Friday is the day on which Savior Jesus Christ was crucified. It is the day that reminds the people of the sufferings endured by the Savior. In churches, the Requiem is held, the Holy Epitaph is taken out and is adorned with flowers. Holy Friday is a day of strict fasting, when parishioners do not eat anything throughout the day, but only bread and water after sunset.

On Saturday morning, the last Mass is held. Texts from the Holy Bible are read. In the evening, the Christians go to church at 11:00 p.m., to the Polunosnita Liturgy. The parishioners bless the goods brought and take light from the Holy Fire brought from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.

On Sunday, Resurrection Day, the Christians should eat first of all antidoron and blessed food.

The Orthodox Christians this year celebrate Easter on May 5.