
Mark Tkachuk: Office of President is useless in Moldova


Firmer MP Mark Tkachuk, who is one of the leaders of the Party “Civic Congress”, said the office of President in Moldova should be removed. In the talk show “Space of Freedom” with Lilia Burakovski, he said he always was on the side of the politicians who oppose any amendment of the Constitution as he considers that the problem resides not in the Constitution, but in the capacity to apply it, which should be cultivated.

The ex-MP noted that when Voronin was elected President, the observance of the constitutional provisions in Parliament was possible twice, but later this was no longer possible.

“In the case of Vladimir Voronin, this is something exceptional. His party was special and had exceptional authority. No other party had candidates for President while having a constitutional majority in Parliament,” stated Mark Tkachuk.

He also said that multiple interventions in the Constitution were politically motivated. The spirit and letter of the Constitution has been often violated the last few years. Conclusions should be drawn and measures should be taken to prevent the corrupt MPs from leaving an imprint there.

Tkachuk noted that the “Civic Congress” is for liquidating the post of President. “Why do we need a boss who is preoccupied with oneself? This person only disrupts things and confuses the international partners. This confuses the people who go to elect a “prime street sweeper” in the ward of persons infected with cholera.

“When we live as they do in Italy or Germany, have a level of political cultural and abide by standards, while generosity permits society to pay for a symbolical post, the situation will be different. Now we don’t need a President”.