
Marina Tauber: I could be again arrested


The vice president of the Shor Party Marina Tauber said arrests similar to those of her and of her colleague Reghina Apostolova could repeat before this year’s presidential elections. She noted that arrest was a political show staged particularly before the election campaign, IPN reports.

“The Republic of Moldova hasn’t seen arrests like those of me and of Reghinei Apostolova. When the person is stripped of immunity in Parliament at 5:35pm and is arrested in Orhei at 5:38pm, this is a proof that it was a political show and this was commissioned by Igor Dodon,” Marina Tauber stated in the talk show “Natalia Morari’s Politics” on TV8 channel.

The MP noted that she was summoned for questioning after the arrest only once within that criminal case.  “I don’t know at what stage that case is and if it exists. I was invited nowhere later. They say that a case can be fabricated if there is a suitable person. I’m sure such things can repeat before the next elections,” she said.

The politician also said that the release of ex-Premier Vlad Filat from jail on parole was also done with the involvement of President Dodon. The release is convenient for him as he this way can exert pressure on the leader of the Acton and Solidarity Party Maia Sandu, who announced that she could run for President. “For him, Vlad Filat is a political activist with an image, who is very suitable and through whom he can easily exert pressure on Maia Sandu and remove her as an opponent in the presidential elections,” stated Marina Tauber.

The vice president of the Shor Party considers President Dodo is also behind the reexamination of the case of businessman Veaceslav Platon. “We all know very well about Platon’s relations with the Russian Federation. I think we do not need to explain why he enjoys favors from Igor Dodon,” she said.