
Mariana Ambros to sue over dismissal


Mariana Ambros, former head of the Department of economy, reforms and real estate affairs, changed her mind, deciding to challenge in court the mayoral decision to dismiss her. Previously, despite denying her guilt, she said she wouldn’t go to court. Instead, Ambros asked Mayor Dorin Chirtoaca to allow her some time to present the activity report, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to the mayor, she was sacked for trying to obtain a 4-room apartment through abuse of power. However, Ambros says she had the right to claim that apartment for being an office holder with scientific degree. “The most she could get, according to the law, was 12 square meters. But before that, she had to queue up behind 10.000 people waiting for an apartment”, said mayor Dorin Chirtoaca during the City Hall session on Monday, December 27. According to him, Mariana Ambros is the 1100th on one of City’s 13 lists with persons that lined up for an apartment. Moreover, today Chirtoaca accused Mariana Ambros of trying to illegally allot 10.000 square meters at Alfa Factory to a firm. The mayor said this was a serious violation because public property can be allotted only through bidding. Chirtoaca also complained that because of the poor regulations, 10 people had to work a whole week to punish one insubordinate office holder. Mariana Ambros told the journalists she wasn’t notified about the dismissal decision and about the work investigation report, either. “I was unfairly dismissed as the sack is applied after at least 4 infringements”, she said. Ambros also announced she would go to court, despite previously denying such information. Mariana Ambros is doctor of Economy. She was mayor’s councilor between May 2008 and January 2010, when she was appointed head of the Department of economy, reforms and real estate affairs. She is a member of Mayor Dorin Chirtoaca’s Liberal Party.