
Marian Lupu urges Nicolae Timofti not to promulgate laws passed by PLDM and PCRM


Ex-Speaker Marian Lupu, the leader of the PDM, called on President Nicolae Timofti not to promulgate the package of laws adopted by the parliamentary factions of the PLDM and PCRM on May 3. In a letter addressed to the head of state, Marian Lupu says the given laws are antidemocratic and anti-European. The leader of the PDM voices hope that Nicolae Timofti will adopt a balanced position and will not contribute to the international isolation of Moldova, IPN reports.

Marian Lupu says the installation of a new government can be a solution to the political crisis. In this connection, he urged nominating a candidate for Prime Minster as soon as possible, reiterating the Democratic Party’s readiness to take part in the negotiations on the formation of a new parliamentary majority and of a new Government.

“We think that the head of state must not accept and take part in the decision announced officially by the PLDM and PCRM as regards the causing of early legislative elections. All the possibilities should be used to avoid the early electrons because they can throw the country into chaos and compromise Moldova’s European integration course,” Marian Lupu says in his letter to the head of state.

The Democratic leader also says that some of Moldova’s foreign partners, including the leaders of the European Union, the Council of Europe and the Venice Commission, sent officially the message that the democratic and European norms will be violated by the adoption of these laws. He had discussions with European officials, who expressed their concern about the way these bills were passed.

Marian Lupu referred to the amendments to the Law on the Constitutional Court which enable to fire the constitutional judges by Parliament, the Law on the Government by which the powers of the interim Premier and active Cabinet are extended, the Law on the National Anticorruption Center that was transferred back from Parliament to Government, and the changes to the Election Code whereby the vote on the joint electoral system was abrogated.